Catalog Production
Academic CatalogThe 2024-2025 Academic Catalog has been published. The editing window for the 2025-2026 Academic Catalog will begin in early fall. Visit the CourseLeaf CAT system to make all catalog changes.
Courseleaf has now been launched to edit and propose courses and programs. To edit or propose new courses to to the Courseleaf Course Admin site. To make edits to programs or to propose a new program (degree, major, minor, certificate, etc.) go to the Courseleaf Program Admin site. To request changes that need Provost or KBOR approval (changes to degree names, requests for new subject codes, etc.) please use the Courseleaf MiscAdmin site.
A full explanation of the process, policies and procedures is for New Academic Program Proposals is provided by Academic Affairs. These resources can help users to understand timing and steps needs for the proposal process.