Credit/No Credit

Credit/No Credit Policy

Full semester courses and short courses have different academic deadlines. Always check the deadlines on the KU Academic Calendar.

What is Credit/No Credit?

Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is a policy that allows you to take at most one course per semester without receiving final grades that factor into your GPA calculations. If you are enrolled an CR/NC course:

  • Credit (CR) is earned if you receive a grade of A through C- for undergraduate students and A through C for graduate students. CR fulfills non-major specific degree requirements (such as KU Core) and allows you to move forward in course sequencing.
  • No Credit (NC) is earned if you receive a grade D+ through F for undergraduate students or C- through F for graduate students for a course. NC does not fulfill degree requirements.

This option is usually available for a limited time at the beginning of a semester, between the 21st and 30th instructional day. Read the full Credit/No Credit policy.

Who should I consult with before electing to take a class for CR/NC?

  • Your academic advisor - listed in Jayhawk GPS within "Your Success Team"
  • Your major, minor, or future major department when considering electing CR/NC for a class that will count towards degree requirements. 

Notice: CR/NC allowance is up to the major/minor department or professional school you plan on graduating from, not the department in which you are taking the course. Example: Pre-Business students should consult with the School of Business before taking any degree requirements for CR/NC for MATH 115, ACCT 200, etc. 

Check on your current grade and points left possible in a class before electing to take it for CR/NC. It may be helpful to calculate your GPA and/or consult with the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships for assistance.

Why might I opt-in to Credit/No Credit?

Some students choose this option if they want to prevent a low grade in a class from damaging a GPA but still need to earn credit and complete the class.

  • (CR) Credit - fulfills degree requirements, and allows you to move forward in course sequencing. 
  • (NC) No Credit - does not fulfill degree requirements. Receiving NC for a course can often lead to a student having to repeat the course if it is still needed to graduate. 

What courses are eligible?

This varies greatly per class. It's important to consider why you are taking a course.

  • Is it a KU Core requirement? Generally, okay to elect these as CR/NC. Check with your advisor.
  • Is it a class you are taking for admission into a Professional School or Graduate level program? Check with the School or program before you make the election.
  • Is it a class that is required for your major? CR/NC may not be used for satisfaction of the requirements for an undergraduate major or toward the satisfaction of the requirements for a graduate degree or a graduate certificate, except in the School of Law.
  • Is it a class that is needed for licensure? Check with your advisor, School, or program before you make the election.

These are all questions academic units consider. 

CR/NC may not be used for classes for satisfaction of the requirements for an undergraduate major or toward the satisfaction of the requirements for a graduate degree or a graduate certificate, except in the School of Law. There are also courses that require a final grade due to licensure requirements. Some programs use "default" grades for students who take classes as CR/NC when it comes to calculating GPA for admission purposes. 

  • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Students: 
    • The course you select for CR/NC cannot be used to fulfil your major or minor requirement (undergraduate students) or cannot be used to fulfill any degree or certificate requirements (graduate students). Please note that submitting a course that you need to meet your major or minor requirement would be in violation of the University and College CR/NC policy.
    • Courses taken as CR/NC do not count toward satisfaction of the Dean's Honor Roll requirements (minimum 3.5 GPA in 12 or more graded hours).
    • If you plan to apply to another KU school, contact that school to ask if they will accept CR/NC for the class.
  • Pre-Law Students: The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) does its own cumulative GPA calculation and recognizes No Credit (NC) as an F. Be mindful of this when electing CR/NC as it will not factor in your KU GPA, but it will be factored in as an F by CAS when they send grades to prospective law schools. Contact the Pre-Law advisor in Jayhawk Academic Advising for questions.
  • Pre-graduate/Pre-professional students: Students who plan to apply to graduate or professional schools should ask them how they treat CR/NC grades.
  • Pre-medical students: Most medical schools recommend or require that core entry requirements, usually including biology, English, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and mathematics, be taken for letter grades, not CR/NC

How do I opt-in?


The Grading System described in University Senate Rules and Regulations (Article II, Section 2) was modified for the spring and fall 2020, and spring and summer 2021 semesters to allow most students the choice of a credit/no credit option.  Visit the Covid-19 Credit/No Credit Policy to review the modifications.