Verification of Degree
The Office of the University Registrar can provide a Statement of Degree or a Statement of Forthcoming Degree for students who need to verify their degree without ordering an official transcript.
Official Transcript- Requests will not be processed for students with financial obligations to the University.
- You will be billed by Student Accounts Receivables after your request is processed.
- All charges are shown on the form and are nonrefundable.
- Photo identification is required to pick the document up at the 1502 Buidling, 1502 Iowa St. Complete the AUTHORIZATION FOR DOCUMENT PICKUP BY THIRD PARTY if the document will be picked up by another person. Documents not picked up within 60 days of completed will be destroyed, no refund will be issued.
- Do not submit the same form in multiple methods (i.e. hand deliver and fax the same form), or repeatedly submit the same request; processing and charges will be duplicated and all charges will be your responsibility.
- If faxing the form, contact the Office of the University Registrar at emprocessing@ku.edu or call 785-864-4423 to confirm receipt.
- Incomplete forms or forms with inaccurately reported information will not be processed.
If the degree has already been awarded, students may use the self-service requests through National Student Clearinghouse for degree verification as long as the degree has been posted to the student's transcript.
If the student has completed all requirements for a degree during the current semester, but degrees have not officially posted, order a Statement of Forthcoming Degree.