High School Students
If you are part of Jayhawk Blueprint, a partnership between the University of Kansas and the Lawrence Public Schools to offer college courses in the high schools where college and high school credit is earned simultaneously, head over to the Jayhawk Blueprint website for information specific to your program. All other high school students enrolling at KU see the steps below.
Jayhawk BlueprintEnrollment Overview
The below information will provide some basic guidance for high school students attending courses on the KU campus as non-degree seeking students.
New non-degree seeking students can begin enrolling in late April for the summer term, late July for the fall term, and early December for the spring term. Specific dates can be found on the Academic Calendar. New non-degree seeking students do not attend a New Student Orientation.
To Prepare for Enrollment
- Set-up your KU Online ID.
- Set-up your KU Email and begin checking it often.
- Review the class schedule to view available classes and find any prerequisites required for the class(es) you want to enroll in.
- If a prerequisite is required, submit the test scores or an official academic transcript to the Office of Admissions then email transfercredit@ku.edu to request to have necessary prerequisites placed on your KU student transfer record.
- University requirements such as instructor and departmental permission are applicable. Look for restricted entry courses marked with "Instructor Consent Required" or "Departmental Consent Required." When necessary, contact the department or instructor to obtain the necessary permission.
- You can enroll in a maximum of 6 hours per semester.
- We encourage you to review the KU Catalog or transfer information for the school you plan to attend to ensure the courses you take now can apply to the degree you plan to earn.
- Once you are a college student FERPA determines what we are allowed to share about a student with anyone but the student. If you have a parent/guardian/or other trusted individual you would like to allow access to your student record you will need to give them Delegate Access.
- Generally Financial Aid and Scholarships are not available for non-degree seeking students.
- Some helpful guides can be found on the OUR Adding Classes and the OUR Schedule Changes websites.
After Enrolling
- Order your First KU Card to access resources on campus
- Submit your immunization record to Watkins Health Services
- Review and pay your bill