Update or Correct Your Personal Information

Update Jayhawk/Current or Permanent Address:
Students can change their address online through Enroll & Pay by selecting the Personal Details tile.
Update Preferred Name:
Students and faculty have the option to use a name other than their legal (primary) name to identify themselves. The University of Kansas will use that preferred name wherever possible unless the usage of the legal name is mandated. The preferred name will be sent to Blackboard and Canvas and will be listed on class and grade rosters, among other processes.
Students can update their preferred name through Enroll & Pay by selecting the Personal Details Tile then the Update Name & Pronouns menu item.
If you are a student and an employee you will also need to update your employee preferred name by contacting Human Resources.
Update Biographic & Demographic Records:
To change your biographic and demographic record (ex. a legal name update, ethnicity, or gender) complete a Correction to University Records form. Students must attach identification using a state issued identification card, Social Security card, Driver’s License, Military ID, Marriage License, Divorce Decree or Passport. International Students must have their passports. Visas are not accepted as identification.