The official transcript includes all courses attempted, grades earned, credit earned by exam, name of the school and number of credits transferred, earned degrees, majors, minors, tracks, milestones, certificates, and other notes the university has deemed are part of an official academic record. The name on the transcript appears as the legal name on university records.
University of Kansas official academic transcripts are produced and issued by the Office of the University Registrar. The University of Kansas Medical Center, Office of the Registrar is authorized to produce official academic transcripts on behalf of the Office of the University Registrar.

Key to the Transcript of Academic Records
The information below is a summary of the information on the back of the University of Kansas official transcript.
The University of Kansas is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission as a degree-granting institution at the baccalaureate, master, professional and doctoral levels.
The University of Kansas academic calendar is based on the semester system. A standard semester contains at least 16 weeks of instruction, including final exams. Summer sessions vary in length.
The following is the course numbering system used since Spring 1974 at The University of Kansas:
Course Numbers | Description |
1-99 | Courses not applicable toward any degree |
100-299 | Freshman/Sophomore courses |
300-499 | Junior/Senior courses |
500-699 | Courses designed primarily for juniors and seniors. May also be taken for post-baccalaureate credit. |
700-799 | Courses designed primarily for first year post-baccalaureate students. Open also to undergraduates for undergraduate credit. |
800-899 | Courses designed primarily for first-year post-baccalaureate students. |
900-999 | Courses designed primarily for students beyond the first-year of post-baccalaureate study. |
Distinction is awarded by the School or Program under which the student is enrolled.
The GPA is the quotient obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of hours attempted. University of Kansas Academic policy states that the GPA may be computed for an entire academic record or for any segment thereof. GPA's reflected on this official transcript are segmented according to the specified student career.
All Schools except Medicine
Grade | Scale |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
F | 0.0 |
Grades scale for courses offered by the School of Medicine
Grade | Definition | Scale |
SU | Superior | 4.0 |
HS | High Satisfactory | 3.0 |
S or SA | Satisfactory | 2.0 |
LS | Low Satisfactory | 1.0 |
U or UN | Unsatisfactory | 0.0 |
WF | Withdrew Failing | 0.0 |
S/U Grading (The following grades are NOT included in the calculation of any GPA that appears on this document)
Grade | Definition |
S | Satisfactory (other than Medicine) |
U | Unsatisfactory (other than Medicine) |
CR/NC Grading(The following grades are NOT included in the calculation of any GPA that appears on this document)
Grade | Definition |
CR | Credit. For schools of Law and Medicine, this grade means successful completion of a course. For undergraduate students, this grade is equivalent t "C-" or better. For graduate students this grade is equivalent to a "C" or better. |
NC | No Credit. For schools of Law and Medicine, this grade reflects an unsuccessful attempt. For undergraduate students, this grade is equivalent to "D+" or less. For graduate students this grade is equivalent to a C- or less. |
The Grading System described in University Senate Rules and Regulations (Article II, Section 2) was modified for the spring and fall 2020, and spring and summer 2021 semesters to allow most students the choice of a credit/no credit option.
Grade | Definition |
E | Excellent (Pharmacy Only) |
I or IC | Incomplete work on the part of the student |
P | Satisfactory Progress: an interim grade for course work requiring two semesters or more |
LP | Limited Progress: an interim grade for dissertation and thesis hours or approved equivalents |
NE | Course work NOT to be evaluated |
NP | No Progress: an interim grade for dissertation and thesis hours or approved equivalents |
SP | Satisfactory Progress: an interim/final grade for dissertation and thesis hours on their approved equivalents |
W | Withdrew (used prior to Fall 5006 and from Fall 2008 onward) |
WF | Withdrew Failing (after Fall 2006) |
WP | Withdrew Passing (after Fall 2006) |
WG | Awaiting collection of grade |
The Honors Course Contract is designed to allow students to pursue individualized work within the framework of a non-honors class. An Honors Designation is listed for courses with approved Honors Course Contracts. Honors Designations use the following grades:
Grade | Definition |
S | Satisfied |
N | Not Satisfied |
Student Career designates the type of credit awarded and is assigned based on the student's academic status and level of coursework. Careers are listed as follows:
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Graduate KUMC
- Law
- Medicine
- Social Welfare Historical (applies to Summer 2003 and prior)
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate KUMC
A program is the school in which the student is pursuing a degree. Programs are listed as follows:
- Allied Health
- Applied English*
- Architecture & Design
- Arts
- Business
- Education & Human Sciences
- Engineering
- Journalism & Mass Communications
- Law
- Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Medicine
- Music
- Nursing
- Professional Studies
- Pharmacy
- Social Welfare
- University Special (non-degree seeking at KU)
*This program is necessary for those whose first language is not English. Once the student passes the English proficiency exam they are removed from this program.
If a student takes a course at KU, receives a C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- or F in the course, enrolls in and repeats the course at KU, the new grade may be used in place of the original grade for purpose of GPA calculation, subject to the limitations found in the Grade Replacement Policy in Repeat Courses.
Courses taken Prior to Fall 2001: the grades for both the original and repeated courses count toward the GPA.
Transcripts cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.
If a person has given an individual power of attorney to conduct business on his or her behalf, we can accept a written transcript request from the appointed person. A copy of the power of attorney must accompany the written request for a transcript. Power of attorney for medical purposes only will not be sufficient. Please contact the Office of the University Registrar for instructions and the appropriate order form.
Transfer credit hours are added to the "earned" hours of the first effective semester. If the transfer work was completed prior to entry at the University of Kansas, it will be reflected during the first in-residence semester. University of Kansas transcript will reflect only hours accepted from other institutions. Semesters, courses, GPA, and grades from other institutions will not appear on the official University of Kansas transcript. Further information on transferable credits can be found on the admissions website.
Degree Requirements for School of Medicine students include a passing score on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2.
If a student's record reflects zero earned hours it is due to one of the following situations:
- Course was completed for audit purposes only. The course was completed but not to be used for a degree at University of Kansas.
- Course was taken through University of Kansas Continuing Education and therefore does not affect the overall KU GPA (prior to Fall 2009).
- The course was undergraduate level taken by a graduate student.
The University of Kansas employs a number of safeguards to ensure the authenticity of their transcripts:
- The background color of the transcript face should have multiple repetitions of the words "The University of Kansas" in very small print.
- When the front side is photocopied, the word "Copy" should appear in very large print across the face.
- If liquid bleach is applied to the front side, "VOID" should appear in six different languages.
- There is a tan basket weave pattern on the reverse side along with a watermark that appears when held at an angle.
- Further authentication can be obtained by calling 785-864-4423.
Any alteration or modification of a transcript or any copy thereof may constitute a felony and/or lead to student disciplinary sanctions.
We apply a digital signature to the PDF transcript that is automatically validated. We implement Certified Document Services from Verisign® to mark the document as authentic, proving that it was created and published by the University of Kansas. The digital signature provides a tamper-evident wrapper on the document. The blue ribbon seal must be present to both authenticate and demonstrate the integrity of the document. This is automatically verified when the recipient views the authentic document using the free Adobe® Reader.
If you do not see a certified blue ribbon in Adobe® Acrobat or Adobe® Reader bearing the words "This document was certified by the University of Kansas with a valid certificate issued by GeoTrust CA for Adobe" this PDF should not be accepted.
University Registrar - University of Kansas
1502 Building, 1502 Iowa St.
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7535
FAX: 785-864-3900
OR (for KUMC Students)
The University of Kansas Medical Center
Enrollment Services
Mail Stop 4005
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
FAX: 913-588-8841
Course Numbering System: Fall 1929** to Fall 1973
Course Numbers | Description |
1-49 | Freshman/Sophomore courses |
50-99 | Junior/Senior courses |
100-199 | Junior/Senior/Graduate courses |
200-299 | Senior/Graduate courses |
300-399 | Graduate courses |
**Prior to Fall 1929, see appropriate catalog.
Grading scale through summer 1970:
Grade | Scale |
A | 3.0 |
B | 2.0 |
C | 1.0 |
D | 0.0 |
F | -1.0 |
Grade point averages for courses taken at Kansas University prior to Fall 1970 were based on a 3.0 scale.
Negative grade points are assessed only once for the same course, and are not removed when a passing grade is earned. A grade-point deficiency exists when the sum of grade points is less than the sum of hours from which they are computed.