Specialized Tuition and Fees - Medical Center

Specialized Tuition and Fees - Medical Center

KUCCNP* FeesFall 2023Spring 2024Summer 2024

*KU Community College Concurrent Enrollment - School of Nursing Only

The following individual class fees, in addition to the tuition rates and course fees, are assessed per participant per semester taken.

AUD 843$1,250.00

National Board of Medical Examiners Assessment Fee
$50.00 (ACED 800)
$50.00 (ACED 825)

Application & Enrollment Fees

Application FeeFee Amount
School of Medicine: In-stateNo charge
School of Medicine: Out-of-state$50.00
School of Health Professions: Audiology program only (Au.D.)$15.00
School of Health Professions: Master of Athletic Training Program only$6.00
School of Health Professions: Degree seeking undergraduate and graduate programs$75.00
School of Health Professions: Non-degree seeking undergraduate and graduate programs$60.00
School of Medicine Graduate Program: Degree seeking and non-degree seeking undergraduate and graduate programs$60.00
School of Nursing: Degree seeking and non-degree seeking undergraduate and graduate programs$75.00

Required upon notification of acceptance and applicable towards tuition and fees

ProgramFee Amount
School of Medicine - MD Program (refundable if applicant withdraws before May 15)$50.00
Physical Therapy (non-refundable)$400.00
Athletic Training (non-refundable)$100.00
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (non-refundable)$100.00
Nursing Undergraduate (non-refundable)$200.00
Nursing Graduate (non-refundable)$400.00
Occupational Therapy (non-refundable)$400.00
Nurse Anesthesia (non-refundable$1,500.00

The Comprehensive Fee Schedule formerly incorporated additional detailed information regarding late payment and enrollment related fees. More detailed information on fee policy is available in the online KU Policy Library.

Fee NameDescriptionAmount
Late Payment

Assessed each month for any unpaid tuition and fee balance for two consecutive months.

If unpaid balance remains after two months, the late payment fee will default to 1.5% of the total unpaid "tuition and related fees" balance owed beginning with the third month.

Fall/Spring $100.00
Summer $50.00


Fee Name and DescriptionAmount
Late Enrollment
The late enrollment fee is assessed once per semester/term in the following circumstances:
  • The enrollment is the initial enrollment in the term; and,
  • The enrollment is initiated at 12:00 a.m. or later of the first published day of the term (fall/spring/summer) or the published start date of the course, whichever is later.
Fall/Spring $150.00
Summer $75.00


Deferred PaymentsAmount

For awarded financial aid, but not disbursed by the fee payment due date. The Office of Student Financial Aid Director or designee may defer payment of tuition and fees for a financial aid recipient.

A student may request a deferment when financial aid has been awarded, but has not disbursed.

$50.00 deferment fee may be assessed


International Program Fees

Required FeeFee Amount
Per semester for students on an F1 Visa
Non-refundable on or after the first day of classes

Administrative Fees

Fee NameAmount
Initial KUMC CardNo Charge
Replacement KUMC Card (lost card only)$20.00


Description of FeeAmount

• Access to campus technology may be suspended if a student is not enrolled on the first day of classes, and/or has outstanding negative service indicator(s).

• Fee to regain access to campus systems



Special Handling Fees

Copy of education records requested by the student will be subject to a copying fee of $0.25 per page, except for academic transcripts.

When appropriate and in accordance with the University-approved Library Access Policy, library borrowers will be assessed overdue fines for late return of library materials or equipment, charges for damaged materials or equipment, and replacement costs for lost (non-returned) materials and equipment, each including a service fee.

The Comprehensive Fee Schedule formerly incorporated detailed information on Library fees, fines, and other replacement costs. This information is currently available by visiting the Library’s website: KU Medical Center Library

Diploma or Certificate Fee TypeFee for OriginalFee for Replacement
Diploma or Certificate fee - Pick-up$0.00$25.00
Diploma or Certificate mailing fee - Domestic Regular Mail$0.00$35.00
Diploma or Certificate mailing fee - Domestic Certified Mail$20.00$40.00
Diploma or Certificate mailing fee - Certified International Mail$25.00$50.00

All departmental charges for specific goods and services not explicitly identified in this document will be priced at an amount that approximates actual cost. Diploma or Certificate mailing fees are subject to change based on actual cost of mailing.

The Comprehensive Fee Schedule formerly incorporated detailed information on Express Verification Services. Express Verification Services are available for most requests and include same day, priority, and overnight services for a fee. The fee amounts for these services are available by contacting the KUMC Registrar’s Office and are priced at an amount that approximates actual cost.

Fee TypeFee Amount
Portfolio Credit (per class)$15.00


Each check returned to the university is subject to a $30.00 service charge.

Fee TypeFee Amount
Portfolio Credit (per credit course)$15.00


Parking Fees

The Comprehensive Fee Schedule formerly incorporated detailed information on Parking. This information is made available via KU Medical Center website KU Medical Center Parking Services.