KU Planner

Welcome to the KU Planner!
Beginning February 1st, KU Planner, powered by Stellic, is launching in phases to undergraduate students with a Fall 2024 and future catalog year (typically students who started at KU in Fall 2024 through Summer 2025). If you are unsure about which catalog year you are following, visit the Catalog Year page for additional details. For these students, the KU Planner will replace the DPR, or Degree Progress Report, currently used by students and advisors to track a student's progress in meeting their degree requirements. Jayhawk Academic Advising (JAA) will notify you via email when your access is available.
Phase 1 (Available Monday, February 3)
School of Business
School of Education and Human Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
School of Social Welfare
Phase 2 (Available April 1)
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (except schools included in Phase 3)
Phase 3 (Available April 28)
School of Architecture & Design
School of the Arts
School of Music
School of Pharmacy
School of Professional Studies
For graduate students and undergraduate students with a catalog year prior to Fall 2024, please continue to use the DPR, the Schedule of Classes, and consult with your school and advisor for course planning and scheduling. The former tool, Schedule Builder, is no longer available in Enroll & Pay.
More details and how-to guides for navigating KU Planner will be posted by March 24th, so bookmark this site and check back!